FluCoMa Podcast #16 (Part One): John Bowers

Episode 16 (Part One) of the FluCoMa Podcast where Jacob Hart talks with artist-researcher and creative coder John Bowers.

John Bowers profile picture

John Bowers

The Podcast


  1. Introduction (0:0)

  2. Getting into music (1:6)

  3. Discovering and disclosing (10:25)

  4. The Brazen Head (15:9)

  5. Approaches to improvisation (24:51)

  6. An archival turn (36:26)

  7. The floor potage (43:56)

  8. Projects and infrastructure (47:48)

  9. Room feedback system (50:48)

  10. Dynamic tonality (1:1:18)

  11. An eye for abuse (1:11:46)

  12. Modalities of performance with a feedback system (1:18:52)


In this episode on the FluCoMa Podcast, we see part one of my talk with John Bowers. John is an artist-researcher whose work has appeared all over the world. In this first episode, we learn how he got into the field of experimental music making, hear about many of his influences and his approaches to improvisation solo and with others. We also take a look at a system for room feedback that he recently presented at NIME 2023. See part two of this podcast here.

Here are the links to some of the things that were discussed during the podcast:

  • Tonesucker (The Killing of St Alphege):