Max Installation Instructions

Step-by-step guide for installing the FluCoMa package for Max

Step 1: Download the Max Package

Download the latest version of the Max package from GitHub releases.

Step 2: Move the Package Folder

To install a Max package you need to place it into the “Packages” folder. Select your operating system on the tabs below.

On macOS Packages is located at /Users/username/Documents/Max 8/Packages. Where username is the username of your account.

Step 3: Run Max and Test

Now check that the installation worked.

  1. Restart Max.

  2. Open this patch.


Binaries compiled by us for macOS are signed and notarised. However, you might need to “dequarantine” them. The command below will recursively do this for you if you provide it the valid path to the FluCoMa package, which should be located in the Max packages folder.

xattr -d -r <path_to_package>