Onset detection with a transient detection algorithm
TransientSlice identifies slice points in a signal by implementing a “de-clicking” algorithm based on the assumption that a transient is a sample or series of samples that are anomalous when compared to surrounding samples. It creates a model of the time series of samples, so that when a given sample doesn’t fit the model (its “error”, or “anomalous-ness”, goes above the threshold argument threshFwd
) it is determined to be a transient and a slice point is identified.
The series of samples determined to be a transient will continue until the error goes below threshBack
, indicating that the samples are again more in-line with the model, preparing TransientSlice to identify the next transient slice point.

A basic sine tone with some transient clicks added. The transient slice points identified by TransientSlice are overlaid in red.
Audio Example

A signal containing many transient moments with the slice points (red) overlaid.